Embark on a magical adventure as you travel from Prague to Munich, traversing the beautiful countryside of Central Europe. With a total distance of about 577 kms (358 miles) separating these two destinations, the train journey lasts for about 6 hours and 10 minutes, depending on the duration of individual stops. It is served by three main stations, Prague’s Main Train Station (Hlavni Nadrazi), Cheb station and Munich Central Station (Hauptbahnhof).
Between the two principal cities, the train passes through a number of historic towns including Plzen in the Czech Republic, and Augsburg in Germany, which is one of the oldest cities in the country. As you travel through the enchanting countryside, you may encounter a variety of interesting sights and attractions worth exploring. Most notable among them is the breathtakingly scenic view of the Bohemian Mountains while crossing the border of the two countries.
The Prague and Munich train stations themselves are equally captivating in their own unique ways. Prague’s Main Train Station proudly stands in the centre of the Old Town and is a true testament to the city’s rich cultural heritage, with its iconic neo-renaissance architecture and stained glass windows. On the other hand, Munich’s main train station offers a fascinating mix of modern and traditional styles, intricately designed with glass and stone, and featuring several historical displays that bring its past to life.
Whether you’re travelling to explore the scenic beauty of the countryside or to discover the famous sights and sounds of these two iconic cities, the journey between Prague and Munich is an experience to be treasured. From its iconic landmarks to its fascinating culture, this enchanting train ride offers something truly special for all who take it.
How long does the train from Prague to Munich take?
The direct train ride from Prague to Munich takes about 5 hours and 20 minutes.
What is the fastest journey from Prague to Munich by train?
The fastest journey by train from Prague to Munich takes approximately 4 hours and 50 minutes.
How much does the train cost from Prague to Munich?
The cost of a train ticket from Prague to Munich typically ranges from €30 to €65.
How much does the Prague to Munich?
Yes, there is a direct train from Prague to Munich.
What is the distance from Prague to Munich by train?
The approximate distance from Prague to Munich by train is 500 kilometers (310 miles).
Which are the cities that the train stops from Prague to Munich?
The train from Prague to Munich stops at several cities along the way, including Plzen, Nürnberg, Ingolstadt, and Munchen-Marienplatz.
查理大桥:这座历史悠久的石桥连接了布拉格的老城区和小城区,以其独特的雕塑享誉世界。建于14世纪,是游客必走的步行路线。位置在Karluv most,无需门票。清晨漫步,可避开人潮。
老城广场:心脏地带,以其天文钟和彩色的巴洛克建筑而闻名。位于Staroměstské náměstí,全天开放,无需门票。不要错过每小时的天文钟表演。
彼得金塔:登上这座塔,您可以享受布拉格全景。位于Lesser Town,门票约€5。傍晚时分,你可以看到城市在日落的余晖中闪耀。
国家剧院:为了体验布拉格的文化生活,参加一场表演是必不可少的。这座建筑本身就是艺术的展示。位置在Národní divadlo,票价根据演出而异。提前预订,确保有位。
首先,新市政厅(Neues Rathaus)以其哥特复兴风格建筑立于玛利亚广场,每天中午和下午5点的钟楼报时仪式是不容错过的。位于市中心,无需门票。
紧接着,慕尼黑宫殿(Residenz München),昔日巴伐利亚国王的官邸,展示了华丽的房间和珍贵的艺术品。位于市中心,开放时间视季节而定,门票约12€。
英国花园(Englischer Garten)是欧洲最大的城市公园之一,提供了一个宁静的逃离城市喧嚣的完美场所。进入免费,位于市中心。
慕尼黑国家博物馆(Bayerisches Nationalmuseum)是探索巴伐利亚文化和艺术的理想之地。位于普林茨雷根特街,门票约8€。
不可错过的阿萨姆教堂(Asamkirche),这是一座精美的巴洛克式教堂,以其细致的内部装饰和艺术作品而闻名。位于Sendlinger Straße,免费参观。
最后,德国科技博物馆(Deutsches Museum),是世界上最大的科学技术博物馆之一,适合所有年龄段的游客。位于博物馆岛,门票约14€。
布拉格,这座充满历史魅力的城市,以其精美的建筑和丰富的文化遗产吸引着全球游客。在探索这座城市时,布拉格主要火车站(Praha Hlavní Nádraží)是旅客们的主要交通枢纽。除此之外,布拉格还设有其他几个火车站,如布拉格霍莱索维采(Praha-Holešovice),服务于不同方向的列车,确保游客能够便捷地抵达或离开布拉格。
布拉格主要火车站位于Wilsonova 300/8,其营业时间覆盖全天,为旅客提供极大的便利。此外,该站还提供了行李托运服务,使游客可以轻松游览,无需拖带沉重的行李。无论是从早到晚,布拉格主要火车站都致力于为来自世界各地的旅客提供便捷和舒适的旅行体验。
慕尼黑作为德国南部的关键交通枢纽,拥有多个火车站,其中慕尼黑中央车站(München Hauptbahnhof)是最主要的火车站。此外,慕尼黑东站(München Ostbahnhof)和慕尼黑帕辛站(München Pasing)也是重要的交通节点,服务于城市和远郊区域。
慕尼黑中央车站位于Bayerstraße 10A,营业时间覆盖全天候,以适应旅客不同的出行需求。车站内配备了行李托运服务,方便游客处理行李问题。此外,车站周边餐饮、购物选择众多,确保旅客在等候或转乘列车时的舒适和便利。