Odhod bo iz Duisburg Hbf, ki se nahaja v samem središču mesta Duisburg, in uživali boste v čudoviti pokrajini med potovanjem, medtem ko boste prispeli v Amsterdam-Centraal, ki se prav tako nahaja v središču Amsterdam.
Odhod bo iz Duisburg Hbf, ki se nahaja v samem središču mesta Duisburg, in uživali boste v čudoviti pokrajini med potovanjem, medtem ko boste prispeli v Amsterdam-Centraal, ki se prav tako nahaja v središču Amsterdam.
Explore the picturesque towns and winding roads between Duisburg and Amsterdam by train. This picturesque journey spanning nearly 250 miles offers you the chance to take in the sights of all the historical places you pass by along the way. From Duisburg to Amsterdam, the train takes around 6-7 hours with stops at important cities such as Oss, Utrecht, and Delft.
Duisburg Departure: The departure station in Duisburg is Hauptbahnhof, located near the old town hall and the centrally located Duisburg Zoo. This station is the starting point of many routes within Germany. Here, you can enjoy delicious German cuisine, shop for souvenirs, and find interesting attractions like the Tiger & Turtle - Magic Mountain.
Amsterdam Arrival: The destination is Amsterdam Centraal station, the largest and busiest train station in the Netherlands. Upon arrival, you can marvel at the iconic architecture, visit the ferryboats at the pier, and explore the surrounding city. Be sure to stop by the nearby Westerkerk, one of the most iconic landmarks in Amsterdam.
Traveling by train from Duisburg to Amsterdam is an enjoyable and convenient experience. With several stops along the way, you have multiple opportunities to enjoy the delightful towns, historical sites, and beautiful landscapes between Duisburg and Amsterdam. Travelers can marvel in the beauty of the sights and sounds of this stunning journey, as they explore the iconic destinations and landmarks in between.
Whether you're searching for an adventure or simply looking to experience the unique culture of Germany and the Netherlands, the train journey from Duisburg to Amsterdam is an ideal way to explore the region. Enjoy the sights of the vibrant cities, quaint villages, and gorgeous countryside as you make your way to Amsterdam.
Duisburg, located in the North Rhine-Westphalian state of Germany, is a city of great historical and architectural significance that has a lot to offer tourists. From cathedrals and churches to parks and museums, you’ll find plenty of unique sites to explore. Here are the top must-visit historical and architectural sites to check out, as well as some delicious food you can try during your trip.
Duisburg Inner Harbor: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Duisburg Inner Harbor combines the best of industrial heritage and modern technology. The visitor center provides an insight into the area’s 19th century steamship trade, as well as the history of the harbor. The harbor is free to visit, and is open all days except Tuesdays.
Duisburg Cathedral: The Gothic cathedral of Duisburg dates back to the year 1300 and is a beautiful example of late medieval architecture. The ornate external decoration of the cathedral, including its stained glass windows, is particularly worth admiring. Admission is free and the cathedral is open from Tuesday to Sunday.
Museum Folkwang: This renowned art museum is home to a vast collection of modern art from around the world. The museum houses both permanent and temporary exhibits, with works by famous artists such as Cezanne, Klee, and Picasso. The museum is open all days except Mondays and admission is free.
Landscape Park Duisburg-Nord: Formerly a steelworks, this modern park is today a vast green space that includes a lake, hills, and a picturesque forest. The park is free to enter and is open all days. It is a perfect spot to relax and enjoy some peace and quiet in the midst of a bustling city.
Kaiserberg Park: This ornamental park is home to a lake, a castle, and a botanical garden, as well as several interesting sculptures. There is also a spectacular view of the city from the park's hill. The park is open all days and admission is free.
Sea Life Oberhausen: Located just outside the city limits, this aquarium is the largest of its kind in Germany, and is home to an impressive collection of aquatic species from around the world. It is open all days and admission fees vary according to the type of ticket purchased.
Duisburg Gourmet Market: This market is the perfect place to try some of the city’s traditional German dishes, such as bratwurst, schnitzel, and spätzle. The market also has a wide selection of drinks and desserts, making it a great place to end a day of sightseeing.
Whether you’re looking to admire the city’s historical and architectural sites, or just looking for a unique culinary experience, Duisburg has something to offer everyone. The sites included on this list represent only a fraction of what the city has to offer, and you’re sure to leave with lots of incredible memories.
Obisk Amsterdama, prestolnice Nizozemske, je potovanje skozi bogato zgodovino, izjemno arhitekturo in živahno urbano kulturo. To mesto, znano po svojih slikovitih kanalih in liberalni kulturi, ponuja neskončne možnosti za raziskovanje in odkrivanje.
Rijksmuseum: Ta nacionalni muzej, ki se nahaja na trgu Museumplein, je dom nekaterih najpomembnejših del nizozemske umetniške zgodovine, vključno z deli Rembrandta in Vermeera. Odprto je vsak dan od 9:00 do 17:00, vstopnina pa znaša 20 €. Priporočljiv je obisk zgodaj zjutraj, da se izognete množici.
Van Goghov muzej: Posvečen je življenju in delom Vincenta van Gogha, ta muzej prikazuje največjo zbirko njegovih del na svetu. Nahaja se tudi na Museumpleinu, odprt je od 9:00 do 18:00, vstopnina pa je 19 €. Obisk priporočamo v popoldanskih urah.
Anne Frankova hiša: Ta zgodovinska hiša, kjer je Anne Frank napisala svoj dnevnik med drugo svetovno vojno, se nahaja na Prinsengracht 263-267. Odprt je od 9:00 do 22:00, vstopnina pa je 14 €. Obisk priporočamo s predhodno rezervacijo, saj so vrste pogosto dolge.
Jordaan: Ta slikovita soseska je znana po svojih ozkih ulicah, butičnih trgovinah in umetniških galerijah. Idealna je za sprehode in uživanje v lokalni kulturi, še posebej ob koncih tedna.
Vondelpark: Največji mestni park v Amsterdamu je priljubljeno zbirališče za domačine in turiste. Idealno za piknike, vožnjo s kolesom ali preprosto sprostitev na zelenih površinah.
De Wallen (Rdeča luč): Znana četrt, ki je odprta vse dni v tednu, ponuja vpogled v liberalnejši del nizozemske kulture. Obiščite jo po sončnem zahodu, da doživite njeno edinstveno vzdušje.
Begijnhof: Eden najstarejših hofjev (dvorišč) v Amsterdamu, ki izvira iz 14. stoletja, ponuja mirno zatočišče od mestnega vrveža. Odprt je brezplačno, dostop pa je možen skozi glavna vrata med 9:00 in 17:00.
Za konec, obisk Amsterdama ponuja poglobljen vpogled v nizozemsko kulturo in zgodovino skozi njegove muzeje, zgodovinske znamenitosti in živahne ulične prizore. Ne pozabite uživati v lokalni kuhinji, še posebej v stroopwaflih in svežih ribah na tržnicah. Vsak korak po tem čudovitem mestu obljublja novo odkritje.
Duisburg is located in Germany and has one of the largest train stations in the country, the Duisburg Hauptbahnhof. It covers all rail transport services within the city and provides direct connections to other major stations in the country such as Dusseldorf, Essen and Köln. It is also the starting point of major regional and international lines such as the InterCity Express and EuroNight.
The main station of Duisburg features an information centre with opening hours from Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 7:30pm and Saturdays from 8:30am to 2:30pm. The address of the main station is Obenmarspforten 5, 47051 Duisburg, and the contact telephone number is 49203 784-0. In addition to ticket offices and ATMs, the station also provides services for passengers such as a left luggage office, a luggage cart rental counter and a café.
Če načrtujete obisk Nizozemske in njenega živahnega glavnega mesta, ne morete mimo osrednje železniške postaje v Amsterdamu, znane kot Amsterdam Centraal. Ta postaja je ključno vozlišče za domače in mednarodne železniške povezave. Poleg glavne postaje, Amsterdam ponuja tudi druge pomembne postaje, kot so Amsterdam Amstel in Amsterdam Zuid, ki prav tako povezujejo mesto z različnimi deli Evrope.
Glavna postaja, Amsterdam Centraal, se nahaja na naslovu Stationsplein 9, 1012 AB Amsterdam. Deluje 24 ur na dan, vsak dan v tednu, kar potnikom omogoča veliko fleksibilnost pri načrtovanju potovanj. Za tiste, ki potujejo z več prtljage, so na postaji na voljo storitve za oddajo prtljage, kjer lahko svoje kovčke varno shranite med raziskovanjem mesta.
Rezervirajte vnaprej:
Podobno kot pri letalskih vozovnicah, cene vozovnic za vlak običajno naraščajo, ko se približuje datum odhoda. Rezervacija tednov ali celo mesecev vnaprej vam lahko prihrani znatno vsoto.
Potujte med nizko sezono:
Izogibajte se potovanju v času konic, kot so jutranji in večerni termini med tednom. Izberite poldan, pozni večer ali vožnje sredi tedna, ko je povpraševanje manjše.
Razmislite o počasnejših vlakih ali indirektnih poteh:
Ekspresni ali hitri vlaki lahko prihranijo čas, vendar so pogosto dražji. Izbira regionalnih ali počasnejših storitev lahko zmanjša vaše stroške.
Poiščite posebne ponudbe in promocije:
Prevozniki vlakov občasno ponujajo promocije ali posebne ponudbe, še posebej izven glavne sezone. Vredno se je prijaviti na novice. Poleg tega so včasih na voljo popusti za skupine ali povratne vozovnice, zato razmislite o teh možnostih, če ustrezajo vašim načrtom potovanja.